
Refugee Health Promotion

NSC supports refugees and other immigrants eligible for services through ORR (the Office of Refugee Resettlement) with navigating healthcare services and gaining health literacy. NSC is the state grantee for Refugee Health Promotion statewide technical assistance. This page is the landing site for written materials and programming available through this programming.


Client Resources: Recordings

Recording - Understanding the US Healthcare System for Ukrainian Newcomers (Ukrainian)

Recording - Understanding the US Healthcare System for Ukrainian Newcomers (English)

Recording - Children's Healthcare (English)

Recording - Children's Healthcare (Ukrainian)


Client Resources: Written Materials

Mammogram Fact Sheet: Arabic, English, French, Spanish

Colonoscopy Fact Sheet: Arabic, English, French, Spanish


Provider Resources: Recordings

Recording - Supporting Clients in Navigating Health Insurance (English)

PowerPoint - Supporting Clients in Navigating Health Insurance (English)

PowerPoint - Best Practices for Establishing Provider Partnerships (English)


Provider Resources: Written Materials

Welcome Letter Template - English, Arabic, Dari, Spanish, Ukrainian (printable and PDF fillable)

Welcome Letter Template – English (PDF fillable)


Look out for more resources here in the coming months!